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Re: RH and GNOME

> Of course not.  But I am making a serious point.  Debian (and here, I am
> taking the liberty of speaking for the project [1]) does not need, or
> want, a reputation as 'RedHat-bashers'.

FWIW... We(Red Hat) don't think of Debian user's as 'RedHat-bashers' nor
will a few posts from the minority change our minds.  You(Debian folks) 
use and develop on Linux, therefore you are good.  We simply think of
Debian as a different way of packaging linux, which is why I read this
list.  Diversity is good. :-) 

> > You -Know- RH is slimy when they've got insiders here, too. ;>
> > (Seriously, that's more of a joke than anything else - I'm not paranoid,
> > I'm just an idealist)
> OK.  That's a joke.  It's in pretty bad taste.  I am not, in any sense, an
> RH insider -  but I imagine there are RH people on this list - and why the
> hell shouldn't there be?

Well the word is out.. I'm the Red Hat insider.  I resent being called
'slimy', though I may be a bit sweaty in this 100 degree southern heat.

-michael maher

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