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Re: RH and GNOME

On Tue, Jul 21, 1998 at 04:22:17AM -0500, Kysh Dragon wrote:
> > > That is niether here nor there... If the 'ac' series of kernels gradually
> > > digresses farther and farther from the main kernel tree until binary
> > > compatibility is compromised, and RedHat uses the 'ac' series of kernels, 
> > > eventually you WILL have a 'standard' problem.. RedHat will be the
> > 
> > But will it be "Linux"? If not, can Linus (as the trademark holder)
> > sue their pants off for trademark infringement?
> Copyright, afaik.. And it could be "RedHat Linux" instead of just "Linux".
> But since the distribution is already "RedHat Linux", nobody would notice.
> This is merely conjecture. As I said in a later posting, I don't predict
> RedHat doing something like that yet. But I think it's a good reference to
> think at.

The license does allow you to create derived works, but does it mention
trademarks at all?

As to this being merely conjecture -- I agree, so can we drop it?
I enjoy being a Debian developer but lately all I read on debian-devel
and debian-private is about how EViL the GPL is, how EViL RedHat is,
how the sky is about to fall down, etc. Frankly this is really ruining
things for me lately.

I'm also a bit surprised how few people are actually listening to what
Raul has to say about the KDE license. This seems to be a real, LEGAL
problem -- not a moral problem, and independent of any feelings
individuals might have about KDE itself.

Hamish Moffatt, hamish@debian.org, hamish@rising.com.au, hmoffatt@mail.com
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