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Re: RH and GNOME

On Tue, 21 Jul 1998, Kysh Dragon wrote:

> I like the way someone else said it best... (Whoevers quote this is, I
> hope you don't mind me using it :) `The day RedHat switches to dpkg is the
> day we have a unifyed package format'.

This is being said by the same person who cries loudly his fears about
RedHat spawning a seperate Linux kernel.  Fairly inconsistent arguing if
you ask me and I don't think it makes the discusion any more constructive
than it already is. 

> > I don't see Red Hat as a threat.
> Betcha said the same thing about Microsoft when they released Xenix. ;>

What's Xenix?

You are in fact proving your own wrong with your very own comparison.
RedHat cannot afford any attempts to set the Mainstream for Linux because
division and general unclarity about Linux' direction will eventually
backfire the most at RedHat.  If indeed RedHat is making a profit from the
free software community's work, then they are bound by that same
community, over which they have no ultimate control.  

I think you're crying wolf (and I've counted more than three times.)  
That doesn't further any cause. 



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