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Re: KDE in hamm - let's have a vote

>>"Oliver" == Oliver Elphick <olly@lfix.co.uk> writes:

 >> Secondly, there is a small possibility that they chose the GPL in the 
 >> knowledge of RMS's opinion on this issue, and they intended their code to be
 >> distributable under the GPL on Solaris, but not on Linux.

 Oliver> As you say, a _small_ possibility -- vanishingly small, in my
 Oliver> opinion, and in the case of KDE, non-existent.

	If it is so nonexistant, how come they have not given the
 power to distribute KDE even when linked with Qt?  Are you saying the
 KDE people are incompetent? After all, Kulow is sure to have informed
 them by now.

 >> If the licence said  ``you can distribute this code on Solaris, but not on
 >> Linux because I hate those chaotic loosers'' then I don't think you'd be
 >> trying to say that distributing the code on Debian was complying with the
 >> author's wishes.

 Oliver> If any author felt this, he would say so.

	Actually, they are indeed saying this, in effect, when they
 use the GPL with no additional riders giving people the right to
 distribute the software.

 >> Without the clarification of a ``GPL, but also linkable against Motif'' 
 >> licence, we should not be distributing this stuff, even if there is no court
 >> in the world that would punish us for doing so.

 Oliver> I can only say, that I disagree.

	Umm, this is not a matter of opinion, really; the license
 spells out when we have a right to distribute the software, and when
 we do not.


 The only disadvantage I see is that it would force everyone to get
 Perl. Horrors.  :-) --Larry Wall in <8854@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV>
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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