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Re: "Official CD" screwups (Was: Why only one non-free section?)

>> (This system is kind of similar to the Windows driver installation
>> system, although hopefully we can avoid the constant "where is your
>> Win95 CD, where is your driver CD, where is your Win95 CD..." routine).
>possible-devices: /dev/hdc /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sde

But then, this won't catch my cdrom drive, which is on /dev/hda.
(/dev/hdb is a floppy, and /dev/hdc is my hard disk.)  And some people
will have their cdrom in more obscure places still.

Linux 2.2 should improve the situation tremendously, though; /proc in
2.1 gives a huge amount of information about the system.  You can, for
example, find all the cdrom drives on the system by looking in
/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/, and can identify and classify other ide drives by
looking in /proc/ide/hd?/.  This would be the -right- way to do it, and
far better than using a static list.

If the rescue disk's installer could be modified to use all this
information, it could really improve the install process.

Charles Briscoe-Smith
White pages entry, with PGP key: <URL:http://alethea.ukc.ac.uk/wp?95cpb4>
PGP public keyprint: 74 68 AB 2E 1C 60 22 94  B8 21 2D 01 DE 66 13 E2

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