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Re: PROPOSAL: Debian Logo license

Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:

> unless your XDM logon screen were on an X-Terminal in some cybercafe
> where you were making money off of it...

What if I'm a consultant, and I'm installing Debian systems for a small
office or business?  Or, I'm an employee in that small office or
business?  But still making money off it.  (Actually, my RW employer
doesn't "approve" of Linux, but I can hope.)

How about this:  the Debian logo can be used as a part of a Debian-based
system -- as long as there's no attempt to disguise the fact that it's
the *system*'s logo or that the system is Debian.

>using it in a debianized package wouldn't...

Debian -- the only system whose logo can't be used in its default
screensaver!  Yikes!  :-)
Chris Waters   xtifr@dsp.net | I have a truly elegant proof of the
or   cwaters@systems.DHL.COM | above, but it is too long to fit into
http://www.dsp.net/xtifr     | this .signature file.

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