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Re: New section in potato?

On Mon, Dec 14, 1998 at 10:20:42AM -0600, john@dhh.gt.org wrote:
> I wrote:
> > I suggest an index completely independent of the directory structure.
> Joseph Carter writes:
> > Done completely in the packages files?
> As a completely seperate structure.

An example perhaps of how you would do this?

> > What physical layout would you suggest in that case?
> Whatever is most convenient for archive maintenance.

Ooh, good answer, they'll like that.  =>

> > Certainly 2500 packages all in the same directory is not an optimal
> > solution.
> I don't see how my suggestion implies that.

Didn't mean to say it did, I was attempting to point out that this would
not work (obviously) which means some sort of structure would probably be
(understatement) a good idea.

"Shall we play a game?"  -- WOPR

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