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intent to package sfio1998

 Sfio is a portable library for managing I/O streams. It provides similar
functionality to the ANSI C Standard I/O functions known collectively as
Stdio. However, it has a distinct interface and is generally faster and more
robust than most Stdio implementations. Sfio also introduces a number of new
features and concepts beyond Stdio stream I/O processing:

     * Automatic locking to avoid concurrent stream accesses,
     * I/O disciplines to pre/post-process read/write data from/to streams,
     * Stream stacking for recursive processing of nested streams,
     * Stream pooling for automatic stream synchronization when I/O
operations are performed on different streams,
     * Buffer reservation for safe access to the internal buffers of
     * Robust handling of variable-sized records, and
     * Extensible printf/scanf-like formatting I/O operations.

The authors of this software are David Korn and Kiem-Phong Vo.

Copyright (c) 1991, 1996 by AT&T Labs - Research.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice is
included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy or
modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting
documentation for such software.

WNPP reflects that a Dennis L. Clark (dennis@elvis.vnet.net) has been 252
days in creation of an sfio package.  I contacted Mr. Clark, and he advised
that he did not recall anything about it.

Packages are already completed now, as sfio1998 and sfio1998-dev, and ready
to be released to master without objection.

Subsequently, I will offer my intent to package the companion libraries
Vmalloc and Cdb.  These are also by Phong Vo, and extremely useful and
extensible general-purpose libraries for C/C++.

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