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Re: sysvinit: rc vs. r2d2 bahavior

My two eurocents:

At work we use Solaris 2.5. We have changed the rc stuff so that each
higher runlevel _adds_ things only.  I.e., when increasing the runlevel,
only the start scripts of the higher runlevels are run.

E.g. in runlevel 1 there are the very basic things running.
When going to runlevel 2 from 1, _only_ the S?? scripts in rc2.d are run.
When going to rl 3 from 2, _only_ the S?? scripts in rc3.d are run.
If you go from rl 1 directly to 3, first the S?? scripts in rc2.d are
run, followed by the S?? scripts in rc3.d.
When going from rl3 to rl2, the K?? scripts in rc3.d (not rc2.d!) are
run. When going from rl3 directly to rl1, first the K?? scripts in rc3.d
are run, followed by the rl2 K?? scripts.

This is something that's quite easy to get used to, and works IMHO
more intuitively than the "traditional" rc systems. However, we can
do this only because we integrate _everything_ ourselves; it's not
really something that you can decide on a whim to do. Debian should
stick to what it has, IMHO.

Paul Slootman
home: paul@wurtel.demon.nl | work: paul@murphy.nl | debian: paul@debian.org
http://www.wurtel.demon.nl | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

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