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Re: intent to package TETware and VSX-PCTS from TOG

On Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 09:47:27AM -0800, Stephen Zander wrote:
> >>>>> "Dale" == Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net> writes:
>     Dale> The directories $TET_ROOT/bin, $TET_ROOT/lib, $TET_ROOT/src,
>     Dale> etc...  contain the TETware binaries, libraries, sources,
>     Dale> etc... specifically to keep them separate from the system to
>     Dale> be tested.
> Why isn't something like the jdk structure apropriate? That would give
> you
> 	/usr/lib/TET/{bin,lib,src}

For one, because we try to seperate architecture dependent stuff from
independent stuff in /usr/share.

Secondly, I am not sure the jdk structure is appropriate itself, but
obviously it is in non-free and therefore does not need to comply completely
to Debian policy.

Dale mentioned that they would "clutter up" the rest of the system. The same
could be said about Gnome or KDE, but we don't release their maintainers
from the policy either.

I don't know how the test files could interefere with the tested system, as
I don't know what binaries there are, how the testing works etc. I will
leave this decision to people who know what they are talking about so I shut
up now :)


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