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Re: DFSG non-free packages in non-US

Ben Gertzfield <che@debian.org> writes:

> Thanks for your work! I've been talking with the Debian developers
> on irc.debian.org, and since Wichert Akkerman will soon be running
> non-us.debian.org himself, we will be able to use your list to
> create non-free and main sections in non-US.

argh, whatever happened to striking the idea of a separate parallel non-us
entirely and replacing it with a package header that controlled which mirrors
picked up the package? 

until we do that non-us packages will always be considered second-class
non-essential packages. There's no reason for that at all, non-us packages can
be used by users in the US or burned on CDs in the US just as freely as by
users elsewhere, it's only distribution from mirrors that should be affected
by US laws.


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