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Re: Ethernet newbee failure

> route add -host dev eth0
> route add -host dev eth0
> on both machines, the ping still doesn't work, but I get the PKT light on
> the hub to blink in time with the pings. This seems to indicate that the
> hardware is "doing the right thing". I still think there is something
> missing from route...

Yes, you want a network route for the ethernet, assuming you stick with
the netmask (which is fine unless you plan to use other portions
of the 10/8 network elsewhere and want to be able to talk to them from these

route add -net

You don't want the host routes you have listed above (I have vague memories
of entries like that confusing the ARP code). You should have
a line in your routing table like this when it's properly set up:

Dest		Gw	Genmask		Flags	MSS	Window	irtt	Iface	*	U	0	0	0	eth0


 -- Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Anders Hammarquist                                  | iko@cd.chalmers.se
Physics student                                     | Hem: +46 31 47 69 27
Chalmers University of Technology, G|teborg, Sweden | Mob: +46 707 27 86 87

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