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Re: Moving contrib and non-free of master.debian.org

Am 21.06.99 schrieb debian-vote # lists.debian.org ...


WADpl> I already mentioned a while ago that I think that the distinction
WADpl> between main and contrib & non-free is becoming less clear, both
WADpl> to users and developers.


WADpl> The Debian distribution itself consists only of the main-tree. Contrib

Ok, that is the definition in our policy(?). But do you really think that  
it is possible to use Debian without any packages from non-free?

WADpl> I. Create a new host, nonfree.debian.org and move non-free and contrib
WADpl>    there and ask our mirrors if they can consider also mirroring that.

I can#t see any advantages of this solution. We shouldn#t waste our time  
with this anti non-free discussions. It#s great that Debian distinguish  
between free and non-free software, but we shouldn#t tell our users that  
non-free software is bad software.

A lot of packages may not meet the DFSG (for example most documentation)  
but there#re not commercial programs.

WADpl> II. Create a new host, official.debian.org and copy main there and use
WADpl>    that consistantly when we refer to the Debian distribution.

III. Change policy. Debian should distinguish main, contrib, and non-free.
     But why should only main packages part of the distribution?
     It#s the job of our users to choose their software and not ours.

cu, Marco

      Linux HOWTOs - Die besten Loesungen der Linuxgemeinde
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