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ITP: jiffy, NEC2 antenna visualization software

Jiffy is Visualization Software for NEC-based Antenna Design.
It uses blt, a TK extension.

I want to try and make a debian package, if I can change the license:

If you include it in a commercial product, shame on you.  If you use
it for fun, that's wonderful.  If you change it into something useful,
I sincerely hope you will dedicate that effort to the public domain
as well.  I wrote it for people to enjoy it.

It is intended for use in the public domain.  If you should use it,
I hope you enjoy it.  I would be pleased to hear what you are using it
for, and I would like to hear of any problems you encounter with it.



 Joop Stakenborg PA4TU, ex-PA3ABA <pa3aba@debian.org>
 Linux Hamradio Applications and Utilities Homepage

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