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Re: September Release?

On Monday 12 July 1999, at 16 h 22, the keyboard of David Bristel 
<targon@targonia.com> wrote:

> would continue.  Are there really that many "features" which arn't already in
> potato(even if they are buggy)?  

I see some goals which are not of general interest, but should delay, IMHO, a freeze:

1) switch the Java packages to the new policy <http://www.debian.org/~bortz/Java/policy.html>. 

2) complete the SGML upgrade.

For the first goal (to be discussed on debian-java), we should remember that there is not much for Java on Debian. If we want to make nice press releases ("Debian is the operating system of choice for Java"), we have to:
- hit override-change on the head until the new packages, which are waiting for almost a month in Incoming, get through,
- get a consensus on the new policy: it seems realistic, a few points, which are still discussed, should be moved out of the proposed policy, but that's all,
- translate the policy in SGML and incorporate it into java-common,
- patch the packages: they are not many and, most of the time, it is a very small change. With packages like java-compiler-dummy, it is not even mandatory.

This goal needs upstream packages, too (like gcj, in the new gcc), otherwise, we will have no free Java stuff. One more reason against a freeze.

For the second goal (to be discussed on debian-sgml), the work on sgml-base and sgml-data just began, but it is no time for a freeze.

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