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Re: neighbour table overflow

Brian May <bam@snoopy.apana.org.au> writes:

> Sorry if this is obvious... 
> Does anyone know what this message means?
> neighbour table overflow
> I have been getting it on my potato NFS-Root system. eg when installing
> netbase. Restarting nis also causes it to display three times. nis
> client doesn't work, but might be unrelated configuration error (it
> looks OK to me though).
> Is this potato specific?
> NFS-Root specific??

I saw that on NFS-Root too.

> Linux 2.2.12 specific?

I think the system uses 2.2.5 for the server and client.

> Looks like the message is comming from the kernel (it appears
> in /var/log/kern.log).
> Looks almost like automatic routing or something, but my routes (only 2:
> my network and default) are static.

The System I saw that on was with a direct 100 MBit crosslink
connection, no switch or hub.

May the Source be with you.

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