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Re: dselect improvements

On 08-Oct-99, 07:54 (CDT), Milan Zamazal <mz@pdm.pvt.net> wrote: 
> [dselect improvements] 
> Before I invest my resources into this, I'd like to know, whether anyone
> is doing anything about this, so that I didn't do duplicate work?  This
> is currently my only question, I'm NOT asking what dselect should be
> able to do etc., and I'm only partially interested in notices about
> needles of such work.

As another person who actually likes dselect (well, "likes" may be to
strong, but there's a lot of functionality that hasn't yet been put in
apt-console), Here's a list of things I'd like to see (more or less in
order of importance):

1. Only check recommends/suggests when the status of a package changes
(i.e. unselected->selected). The continual prompting/overriding is
horribly annoying.

2. Search should look at the short descriptions in addition to the names.

3. Search should look at section names (i.e. /net (or possibly some
other key, seperate from the package name/description search) should
look for the next instance of the "net" section).

4. I've been using dselect for >4 years, and I *still* don't understand
the interaction between 'O' and 'o' when sorting. I just fumble around
until I get something close to what I want. This may be a documentation
issue rather than a code issue.

5. It ough to leave the foreground/background alone, rather than forcing
light on dark (xterm).


Steve Greenland <vmole@swbell.net>
(Please do not CC me on mail sent to this list; I subscribe to and read
every list I post to.)

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