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easy way to tell if "in" package build?


I just patched Debian's libtool to no longer encode library paths into
binaries if the binary is built on Debian systems, but I think the
patch is too limiting and it is only meant to be a temporary hack.  What
I'd like to do is disable library path encoding *only* if a Debian
package is being built, i.e. if libtool is executed in the middle of a
build started by debuild.

Can someone suggest a way to tell if we are in the middle of a Debian
package build?


BTW, please CC me since I am currently not subscribed to debian-devel.
Ossama Othman <othman@cs.wustl.edu>
Center for Distributed Object Computing, Washington University, St. Louis
58 60 1A E8 7A 66 F4 44  74 9F 3C D4 EF BF 35 88  1024/8A04D15D 1998/08/26

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