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Re: nobody/nogroup - ITP maildir-bulletin

>> >> I am about to develop a package which delivers email bulletins to Maildir
>> >> mail users.  This needs to be SUID root to deliver mail inside their home
>> >> directories.
>> >
>> >Technically, it doesn't need to be suid root -- it could also be run by root.
>> The idea of having lots of Postfix configurations running external programs
>> as root doesn't appeal to me at all.  Postfix doesn't seem to allow different
>> users for different programs, it's just one UID per external program.
>Are you sure about this? ie are you sure you can't have a different
>UID for each program. I don't understand why this should be the
>For instance, in my Fidonet configuration, all mail for any subdomain
>inside *.fidonet.org is redirected to ifmail running as user=ftn.
>(see /etc/postfix/master.cf - The only files I had to change related to

That allows running a transport as a different user.  But what I need to do
it run a "|exec program" line from /etc/alises line as a different user, but
it's not possible.

>Which brings me to the next point: how do you activate it? How
>would somebody use it to send a bulletin via postfix??

In /etc/aliases:
all-staff: "|exec /usr/sbin/maildir-bulletin staff"

I've documented this in the man page, maybe not clearly enough.  If you have
any suggestions then let me know.

I'm in Utrecht.  I'd like to meet any Linux users in the area, or any other
part of the Netherlands.

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