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Re: Stop Debian/FreeBSD

>>>>> "Marcus" == Marcus Brinkmann <Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de> writes:

    Marcus> Hi, On Sun, Nov 21, 1999 at 09:05:29AM -0500, Raul Miller
    Marcus> wrote:

    >> (a) An easy way for the sysadmin to declare what kernel
    >> versions are usable on the current system to dpkg.  [equivs
    >> could be used, but I think it's wrong to use a subsystem which
    >> rightly declares itself as "a crude hack" for something so
    >> fundamental.]

    Marcus> About (a): A naive aproach would simply be to let the
    Marcus> sysadmin install the packages wanted. All kernels
    Marcus> installed provide their own ABIs, and you may end up with
    Marcus> a Hurd package and a Linux package installed.  Interesting
    Marcus> situation, and I think (c) above would be quite important
    Marcus> to solve run time problems.

Points to ponder:

If a package depended on "ABI XYZ", which is provided by
"kernel XYZ", would it be allowed to use features specific
to "XYZ" in preinst and postinst routines?

In my opinion yes. At least assume yes for now.

Then that would mean you can't install this package unless
you had that kernel booted up...

So perhaps for (a) there should be the rule that you can only
download for the currently booted kernel?

Not a very satisfactory solution though :-(

As for installing a hurd package at the same time as a Linux
package, I think there are several options (warning: stupid
options also listed):

- Store both in a separate directory, and set path accordingly.
Probably break the FHS in the process.

- Store both is separate directory, and use chroot environment
depending on platform. This wont allow sharing files.

- Have the kernel redirect requests at run time. This would work
for Hurd, but not for Linux.

- Have the hurd package conflict with the Linux package. Doing
anything else would require dpkg support installing different
versions of the same package? I tend to favour this option
myself, especially if Hurd can ever run Linux binary files.

- any other options I might have missed?
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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