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Re: Scary mailing list, Re: Scary bugs

I just logged a wishlist bug against majordomo to support CONFIRMation
of replies.  Hopefully that will eventually stop this sort of thing
from happening again/all the time :).

And what's the lesson?  Stop spreading bad Debian karma by whinging on
the announce lists, and start putting forward practical solutions to
the problems!

Now where's that asbestos suit...


Andreas Wohlfeld <agw@supersonic.ruhr.de> writes:

> Last time I checked I subscribed
> debian-devel-announce
> and not debian-devel-we-discuss-anything.
> debian-devel-announce goes per debian procmail
> default into my main mailbox. This is okay, unless
> it's now a discussion list.
> Thank you.
> -- 
> 	Andreas Wohlfeld - Germany
> --  
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-devel-announce-request@lists.debian.org
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org

Sam Vilain, sam@vilain.net        WWW: http://www.vilain.net/~sam/
GPG public key: http://www.vilain.net/~sam/gpgkey.txt

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