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FTPMaster move / Upload queue changes / DEFERRED queue


series of little announces:

First off, the planned move of ftp-master.debian.org to new hardware
failed due to a small mistake with big effects. It will happen sometime
soon, we will inform you when we try again.

But one change that was planned for this move got implemented: I
adjusted the way uploads take and you may have been receiving mail from a
new host, usper.debian.org, already.

This is the new "queue master" host, nothing will be sending to
ftp-master directly anymore, ftp-master fetches from this new master

While that in itself is pretty boring, it has one interesting effect: As
usper is free for all DDs to access, the DELAYED upload into the
DEFERRED queue is now possible to do via ssh, no longer is this bound to
ftp-only! To get files into DEFERRED, put them into


on usper and queued is doing its work as known.

Actually, please use the hostname aliases


to access the host, they may move around, should usper need maintenance!

Note: The html overview for the DEFERRED queue does not yet include
files on usper, I will fix the generation process over the next days.

bye, Joerg
> 20. What would you do if you wanted to retire from the project?
Remove the passphrase from the (secret) gpg key and post it to
debian-devel. The keyring maintainers will lock the account ASAP.

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