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game console emulators: what kind of software is it?

Dear game packagers,

in Debian, we have different sections for packages [1], so users and
admins can see what a package is for (games go into games, browsers in
web, MUAs and MTAs in mail etc).
While polishing the desmume [2] package (a nintendo DS emulator), I
noticed that it is filled under games, which I think is incorrect, as
it is not a game (but mostly used for gaming though). I'd go for utils,
but others on irc suggested otherosfs.

@all Debian/Ubuntu packagers: where would you fill packages like
desmume (yabause, visualboyadvance, gnuboy, zsnes, snes9x)? games?
utils? otherosfs?

@all other packagers: do you have something like sections? If so, where
do you put such software currently?


[2] http://desmume.org

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