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Re: Annchienta (Debian Game Packaging)

2009/1/6 jasper van der jeugt <jaspervdj@gmail.com>:
> Hello Miriam,
> I'm Jasper, the lead developper of Annchienta, which is a free (as in speech) 2D isometric RPG engine and game (http://annchienta.sf.net).
> I found your blog through the LÖVE project homepage, which said you created Debian packages for it. There I read you were interested in Debian game packaging. So I was wondering if you would be able to create an Annchienta package? There is no hurry of course, feel free to check out the game on http://annchienta.sf.net/ and take your time :) Then you can decide if you're interested.

Hi Jasper

Of course I'm interested, thanks for your email :) I'll try to
download and try the game as soon as I can, but I like the screenshots
I'm seeing, it seems a cool game :)

I'm CCing the Debian Games Team mailing list too, in case someone else
is also interested.


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