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Re: legal questions regarding machine learning models

Dropping debian-legal because this is off-topic there.
This means that I want to be CCed

I said:
> What to do: As always it is a tradeoff between quantity and quality, in
> this case of packages. Maintaining a high freeness standard has an impact
> on the resources needed, so it limits the number of costly packages that
> you can support for any given amount of available resources.
> I value Debian because (and as long as) it puts the emphasis on freeness.

In case this came across the wrong way:
I did not mean to suggest that the Debian Games Team is having a lax view
on freeness. Your problem, as I see it, is that you are a highly motivated
and productive group and that Debian's technical resources just don't
scale up to your human resources (or will cease to scale up in the near
future). As free games gain momentum, it will be impossible to include
every free game, or even only every good free game that one of you is
motivated to maintain, in the archive. I too don't see a way around this,
short of outsourcing your packaging to the upstream sites.

Best regards,

  Mark Weyer

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