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Re: Your ogre 1.7.1-1 upload to Debian


On Tuesday 10 May 2011 21:34:09 Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
> Hi,
> could you please push the changes from your ogre 1.7.1-1 upload to
> pkg-games' Git repository?
> Please also change the Vcs-* fields back to the repository on
> alioth.debian.org containing the debian/ directory, and move the group
> address to Maintainer (and yourself to Uploaders) so bug mail will
> arrive on the mailing list.  (You can use the subscription feature of
> the PTS if you want the bug mail delivered to your address as well.)
> There are also two RC bugs that your upload introduced: 612150 and
> 613924.  These are also blocking the perl 5.12 transition.

* Long story:

I created the 1.7.1 version of Ogre during the beginning of October 2010, 
the package was unmaintained for months -- bugs and update requests not 
acknowledged, versions 1.6.5 and 1.7.x available long before the freeze and 
not uploaded to Debian, etc.

I created the package with the new version and got an sponsor to upload it 
on 14th of October, but it got into the NEW queue, and stood there for four 
months until February this year.  That's ~4 months later, 1.7.2 was already 
released shortly after me creating the 1.7.1 deb package, so my package was 
already obsolete and a new "sourceful" upload was needed (and now 1.7.3 is 
out).  So I just waited for 1.7.1 to get approved before continuing to work 
on the package, what else could I do?  And then the approval of the package 
happened when I was about to leave for a month-long holiday in a remote 
country with no computers in sight.  When I came back I got unemployed, and 
I'm busy trying to find a new job since.

Regarding the bug about the CC-2.5 licensing (#612150), I convinced upstream 
to switch to CC-3.0, but since the bug was reported only after all that 
time, I forgot about the actual change.  Now I added a comment about that, 
thanks to this mail for reminding me.

Regarding the alioth repository, I think that it took weeks/months for me to 
get accepted in the group, altough I cannot remember the actual date and 
cannot find any mail about getting approved.  But since my package wasn't 
approved I just didn't consider it worth updating the repository -- maybe my 
package was rejected, or somebody else would create a brand new package for 
1.7.2, whatever.

* Short story:

I created the package in a time when I had plenty of time to take care about 
it, upstream updates and fixing possible problems of the early 1.7.x 
releases (the subsequent releases would be easy to tackle).  But now, months 
later, I am busy and I cannot guarantee to fix all of the pending problems 
in due time.  And due to the naming conventions and DM permissions, each 
upstream updates force me to find sponsors, which makes the whole thing more 

So feel free to overtake the maintenance of the package if you feel that my 
dedication and reaction time is not good enough.

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo@gmail.com>

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