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Re: Ogre > 1.12

Dear Flavien,

sorry for not replying to your previous mail. I started on a quest to
update ogre/package newer ogre releases a couple of years ago and for me
the process has been somewhat frustrating to say the least. Debian seems
to have a very different approach to incremental improvement than I have.

There are MRs for the latest release of 1.12 (1.12.13) here

and a branch for 13.3 here

The version scheme changed from 1.12 to 13.0 and also now there is a abi
compatibility guarantee for minor releases. That's why the so-name was
shortened for 13.3. Part of this guarantee is possible by making lot's
of code private and having cleaner interfaces. This unfortunately breaks
gazebo, another reverse dependency (of ogre-1.9). So short term I would
suggest keeping:


newest 1.12

and adding 14.x

Pavel, the ogre himself, is very helpful by the way!

Best regards


ps: I'm a contributor of rviz and it's very much alive btw. The version
for ROS 2, rviz2, decided to vendor ogre 1.12.10 for some reason, so
they no longer depend on Debian packages but I'm not (yet) involved with

Am 07.11.23 um 08:45 schrieb Flavien Bridault:
Dear Debian developers,

During the late summer, I launched a bottle in the sea about the
status of the Ogre package. I didn't get any answer so far, but I give
a new try today. :)

I took a look at the dependencies, I can see there are only a few:

# apt-cache rdepends libogre1.12.10

Reverse Depends:

So, to sum up, other ogre packages, sight (so me :) ), libmygui and
rviz. Sight already builds with 1.14, libmygui too, for rviz I don't
know but it looks quite active so I don't see any reason they could
not update. I did myself the update from 1.12 to 1.14 in sight and it
was not that dramatic. So in my humble opinion, it is maybe not worth
keeping a 1.12 version.

Once again, if that can help, I can offer to work on this or to work
on a new ogre-1.14 package. I just need some guidance to know if I
should start with the current repository or a fresh one, and of course
some sponsorship to get access to the repo and provide support for the

Best regards,

*Dr. Flavien BRIDAULT*
Director of Software Development
IRCAD France & IRCAD Africa

flavien.bridault@ircad.fr <mailto:flavien.bridault-louchez@ircad.fr>
Tél. : +33 (0)3 88 119 201
        IRCAD France
http://www.ircad.africa/ <http://www.ircad.fr/>

Suivez l'IRCAD sur Facebook

*IRCAD France*
Hôpitaux Universitaires - 1, place de l'Hôpital - 67091 Strasbourg
Cedex - FRANCE

Le 22/08/2023 à 09:20, Flavien Bridault a écrit :
Dear Debian developers,

I am the maintainer of the Debian package of Sight [1], a toolkit for
medical imaging software.

We rely a lot on the Ogre3D engine for the visualisation. However the
Ogre version (1.12.10) present in Debian is more than two years old.
We would like to upgrade to a more recent version to benefit from
bugfixes, enhancements and to ease the multiple platform support.

Is there any plan to update the version of ogre soon ? I noticed a
branch 13.3 was started but apparently it has never been uploaded.
Was there any technical difficulty arising ? I guess for
compatibility issues with dependencies, there is a need to keep the
1.12 version anyway.

If the answer is negative, I can offer my help to try to solve the
issues or to develop a new package, ogre-1.14 for instance. However,
I am not an official Debian developer so I would  need a sponsor for
checking the package and the upload.

Thank you in advance for your answer,

Best regards,

[1] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/sight

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