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Re: cron job to clean out old cat pages

On Feb 28, 1994 Matthew Hannigan wrote:
> I really don't think perl belongs in the base system, however
> much I like it.  It belongs in a category, (like emacs, say)
> of recommended but not base.

In general, no, perl should not be a required utility.  However, if
system config/whatever scripts end up getting written in perl, then it
would have to be required :)

(and yes, I think perl is a viable option for writing admin scripts.
That's the sort of thing it was intended for, and it's quite good at

 /~> Ian McCloghrie      |       FLUG:  FurryMUCK Linux User's Group
< <  /~\ |~\ |~> |  | <~ | email: ian@ucsd.edu               Net/2, USL 0!
 \_> \_/ |_/ |~\ |__| _> | Card Carrying Member, UCSD Secret Islandia Club
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