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Re: documentation for contrib packages

>    I need some input on where to store some documentation for some of
>    the packages I'm putting together.  This is all non-manpage stuff:
>    news clippings, READMEs, example programs, etc.  It seems to me
>    that I should create subdirectories in /usr/doc (such as /usr/doc/perl5
>    and /usr/doc/clisp).  The fsstnd seems to allow placing almost anything
>    in /usr/lib/PROGRAM directories, but it seems to me that online help
>    is best placed there, while "stand-alone" text might be better off
>    in /usr/doc.
> I agree with a /usr/doc directory.  Many programs come with extra
> documentation in TeX, PostScript, or just plain ASCII, which are
> not man pages or Info files.  I would think that if it is one file,
> it could be located directly under /usr/doc, but if it is a collection
> of documents, then perhaps /usr/doc/<pkg> would be used. 

I have to agreee with the /usr/doc directory as well.  Before I upgrade ncurses
to 1.8.5, I'd like to include the manual and example programs in an
appropriate directory.  "/usr/doc/ncurses" would be nicer than /usr/lib/ncurses
IMHO.  The seperation between on-line help and large manuals/example programs
would be nice.

Matt Porter                                porterm@camelot.eng.ohio-state.edu
Ask me about running Linux,                mporter@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
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