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Bug#3205: mt pkg desc needs hint to user as to which to choose

>>>>> "D/T/W" == "Darren/Torin/Who Ever " <torin@daft.com> writes:

    D/T/W> Have the features such as datcompression been implemented
    D/T/W> yet?  Last I checked, it segfaulted...

The mt program was segfaulting when the datcompression command was
requested, but it was also segfaulting on other commands.  I fixed a
bug that was causing mt to segfault (simply a misplaced line in the
source), but I don't know whether the datcompression segfault was
caused by this bug, or something in the datcompression code.  However,
I have not received any more reports of segfaults, so I can only
assume that it now works.  The latest version of cpio-mt is 2.4.2-2.
Version 2.4.2-1 had the segfault bug.

Brian <brian@debian.org>

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