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Re: dpkg.rpm?

On Jul 31, Mark Eichin wrote
> Anyone want to package up dpkg in rpm format? Someone at work was looking
> at snarfing up the sgml stuff for their redhat system, but got stuck
> trying to find a dpkg to start with (dunno if the tar file was hard to
> find or not as useful as he'd hoped or what...)

Isn't this precisely what "alien" + "alien-extra" is for?   "alien-extra" is
described as "a package of all the extra files you need to use alien on a
Red Hat or Slackware system" (thus presumably including dpkg) att
http://kite.ml.org/programs/alien/ .

I can't check now; accessing
http://kite.ml.org/programs/code/alien/extra/alien-extra.info times out for

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