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XZX Copyright (again)


	I'm afraid I won't be able to package XZX even in non-free; I
wrote to the author asking for his copygiht, and here's his answer:

> From: Erik Kunze <Erik.Kunze@fantasy.muc.de>
> To: cespedes@etsit.upm.es (Juan Cespedes)
> Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 18:57:08 +0200
> Subject: Re: XZX Copyright
> However, I would appreciate if you distribute a binary-only version with
> Debian. In that case I could give you the permission to change the source
> code (only to make it compile under Debian Linux).
> And I get a Debian CD-ROM for free.
> You must not change any version number, copyright notice nor documentation
> of XZX. There is a XZX distribution for RedHat available.

	Well, I could package it into non-free, but only if there
wasn't that "And I get a Debian CD-ROM for free".  What do you think?
Should I forget packaging it and writing just an installer?

Juan Cespedes

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