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Re: request for a init script policy

On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 11:35:00AM -0400, jpb wrote:
> > being in the postinst, and if RUN_DAEMON is already defined in the
> > /etc/rc.config.d/sendmail file its ignored, and if RUN_DAEMON isn't there
> > its added.  Should be a very small shell script i would think.
> I think this is a great idea.  I don't see any downside, and being able
> to customize machines without fiddling with the init.d scripts would be
> a big plus.
> I only have half a dozen systems to maintain, but it'd still make life
> easier.

this sounds like the sysv equivilent of rc.conf on OpenBSD, not a bad
idea, just so it stays under control...

the only request i would made of this is that these config files be
JUST config files, nothing in them but a couple variables.  please
don't go running out of control like redhat and have dozens of scripts
full of functions sourcing yet other scripts with functions creating a
massive ball of spaghetti...  

and even if the init.d script have a seperate file to configure them,
the init.d script itself must remain a config file to dpkg.  there are
times when i simply throw away a poorly written init script and write
my own, i don't want to fight dpkg when i do this.  

there will also inevitably be times when the configuration options
will be insufficient to get the desired behaviour. de-rooting and
chrooting bind comes to mind.  

Ethan Benson

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