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Re: Debian Weekly News - June 27th, 2000

On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 09:21:09PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> There is no need to CC me with messages to lists I read.  Please cut it
> out.  Thanks.

Branden, can you please stop spamming everyone on debian-* with these
messages? You've said it once. Just because a couple of people don't listen
doesn't mean you have to shout it at everyone every day.

Or do something like, I dunno:

] # right near the start
] :0 f
] | store-message-id
] # before delivering your personal mail (/not/ your list mail)
] :0 f
] | delayed-write-msg

] #!/bin/sh -e
] T=`tempfile` || exit 1
] M=~/.message-id-cache
] cat > $T
] lockfile ${M}.lock
] (cat $M; sed < $T -n '/^$/q;p' | grep -i '^Message-ID:') | head -1000 > $M
] rm -f ${M}.lock
] cat $T
] rm -f $T

delayed-write-msg $MBOX
] #!/bin/sh -e
] T=`tempfile` || exit 1
] M=~/.message-id-cache
] cat > $T
] MSGID="$( sed < $T -n '/^$/q;p' | grep -i '^Message-ID:')"
] if [ "$MSGID" ]; then
]     sleep 120  # enough time for most mails to be sent via the debian lists
]     DUP=(cat $M | sort | uniq -d; echo "$MSGID") | sort | uniq -d
]     if [ "$DUP" ]; then
]         true # message was a dupe, ignore it
]     else
]         cat $T # probably not a dupe
]     fi
] else
]     cat $T # no message-id, can't check if it was a dupe
] fi
] rm -f $TMP

It might be better to make delayed-write-msg fork and deliver itself
rather than making procmail sleep for a couple of minutes for every
personal mail. You may have to change some of the logic around if you
don't have separate rules for local and list mail.

Whatever, but stop whining about it to the lists already.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

  ``We reject: kings, presidents, and voting.
                 We believe in: rough consensus and working code.''
                                      -- Dave Clark

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