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Re: The unofficial buildd effort and its shutdown - my POV

On Sun, Sep 05, 2004 at 09:01:47PM +0200, Alexander Wirt wrote:

> >Ingo and Goswin, amongst others, have a long history of antagonising
> >people with @debian.org addresses.  A lot of us have tried to work with
> >them in the past and simply given up (cf. my demand that Goswin files
> >bug reports or contacts me through a third party from now on).
> As one point for this two guys:
> I NEVER had any problems in working with them.


> They were open two all wished and ideas I had
> in the past and if the denied to use my ideas
> they told me why they don't use it.
> Thats more than most others dds did over the last
> year.


> P.S.: I hate it to see the same people complaining about the both
> every time.  Maybe its time that some people say that working
> with them is possible.

Thanks! :)

Ciao...              // 
      Ingo         \X/

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