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Re: anticipating the upstart migration

Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
> Em Sun, 08 Oct 2006 18:25:57 +0200
> Michael Biebl <biebl@teco.edu> escreveu:
>>>     "sysvinit only" -> "sysvinit + upstart" (using
>>> alternatives/diversions)
>> No offense, but I wouldn't trust the alternatives system for something
>> sensible as /sbin/init. Please also remember that it's not the
>> /sbin/init binary alone, we'd have to provide alternatives for halt,
>> shutdown, runlevel, reboot, poweroff and telinit. They would need to
>> be switched in one step, you can't mix e.g. init from upstart with
>> shutdown from sysvinit. This approach is a no-go imho.
> The alternatives system is quite mature; it suffered from leaving
> dangling alternatives, but that was ages ago...
> The various commands you said could be provided as slaves to
> the /sbin/init alternative, which will make them be switched
> 'atomically'.

Ok, but it would still need changes to the sysvinit package, which has
been frozen already and according to Steve won't get a freeze exception.
Maybe it's just me, but /sbin/init being a double-linked symlink seems
scary to me. I just had too many negative experiences with broken


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