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Re: Considerations for 'xmms' removal from Debian

Am 2007-07-12 05:32:37, schrieb Lionel Elie Mamane:
> I say that, because while I really don't intend to make you angry, as
> a casual user of xmms, I don't see the difference. As far as I'm
> concerned, xmms's goal was to be a sound player. And your goal, in
> your FAQ is to develop a "media player". But from a cursory glance I
> don't see audacious playing any other media than audio (no text, no
> hypertext, no video, no images, ...), so I see it as an audio player,
> not as a all-purpose all-around "media" player. (You handle only one
> medium, sound.)

A while back I was realy surprised as I have downloaded some mp3
files and tried to hear them in XMMS which was wiorking fine but
then, it opened a new Window to play a VIDEO!

Since I have no video-plugin or such, it was realy surprising

Audacious can not do this and crash without any warnings and error
messages if a mp3 files is realy a video.

> You know why I was using xmms as opposed to any other audio player?
>  - it takes less screen estate
>  - it plays any sound format I have thrown at it
>  - doesn't crash / lockup / ...
>  - no annoying bugs *I* run in

FullACK!  :-)

..and I have over 58.000 WinAMP 2 skins!

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack

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