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Re: need help of R language expert

On 10 February 2010 at 22:26, Asheesh Laroia wrote:
| yOn Tue, 9 Feb 2010, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| > Asheesh Laroia <asheesh <at> asheesh.org> writes:
| >> On Tue, 9 Feb 2010, Atsuhito Kohda wrote:
| >>> I, a maintainer of TeXmacs, have got an FTBFS bug#551254
| >>> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=551254
| >>>
| >>> I temporarily remove a problematic patch but clearly it is
| >>> not a real fix.  A plugin of R seems not to work anymore.
| > [...]
| >> An R-y friend pointed me toward http://developer.r-project.org/parseRd.pdf
| >> which documents changes to the .Rd format.
| >
| > Correct. R 2.10.0, released in October, switched the documentation parser
| > implementation (from an external one written in Perl to an internal one
| > written in R). At the same time some definitions were tightened. For 'normal'
| > R packages (eg on CRAN) this was transitioned with warnings first that later
| > turned to errors. Ie not unlike what we do with Lintian.
| >
| > Hope this helps.  I would be glad to take a look at the Rd file in question if
| > someone could email it my way.
| The Rd file in question is attached for your convenience. In case you 
| prefer web links, I put it up at 
| http://makesad.us/~paulproteus/tmp/TeXmacs.Rd

Beauty of different timezones :)  Atsuhito had already sent me the file when
I got up this morning.

There were two issues:  a) the file was really two files with the \eof marker
denoting the end [ but R doesn't have a \eof symbol ] and b) one comment line
was not actually commented out.  Two correct individual files are
attached. Can you (or Atsuhito) try with those?

Attachment: TeXmacs.Rd
Description: Binary data

Attachment: view.Rd
Description: Binary data

With these, I was able to do a standard transformation to html using R
without error or warning:

edd@ron:/tmp/TeXmacs> R CMD Rdconv -t html -o TeXmacs.html TeXmacs.Rd 
R CMD Rdconv -t html -o TeXmacs.html TeXmacs.Rd 
edd@ron:/tmp/TeXmacs> R CMD Rdconv -t html -o view.html view.Rd 
R CMD Rdconv -t html -o view.html view.Rd 

Hope this helps,  Dirk

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