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[Rant] Re: Removing the manpage requirement for GUI programs?

Le vendredi 05 mars 2010 à 17:41 +0000, brian m. carlson a écrit :
> This still has the problem that I don't know immediately where to get
> the documentation.  Do I use the GNOME help system?  KDE's?  man?  info?
> a DVI?  a PDF?  The benefit of manual pages is that there is one uniform
> way to get basic documentation on a command and how it is to be run.
> Other documentation can be referenced from that manual page.

This discussion is running into circles.

GNOME, Xfce and KDE maintainers all explained that we have no interest
in working on manual pages, and our upstreams don’t either.

Those who are nostalgic of the time when a text-only documentation
system was enough keep repeating ad nauseam “but we need manual pages”.

At this point of the discussion, this should be clear: either you do
whatever it takes to have your precious manual pages in all Debian
packages, either you don’t. And if you don’t, I would appreciate that
you just STFU instead. Maintainers who are already overloaded are not
here just to take orders from others.

I will personally just sit on policy §12.1, mark manpage-related bugs as
wontfix, and, to plagiarize Yves-Alexis, it won’t prevent me from
sleeping at night.

Topic is closed.

 .''`.      Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'   “I recommend you to learn English in hope that you in
  `-     future understand things”  -- Jörg Schilling

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