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Re: Bits from keyring-maint: Pushing keyring updates. Let us bury your old 1024D key!

Xavier Roche dijo [Tue, Mar 04, 2014 at 06:55:08PM +0100]:
> I have a rather silly question: would a mail (signed with this key)
> request to the DDs who already signed the initial key (and checked the
> identity) to sign the replacement key considered unreasonable ?
> And would it be considered reasonable if the first key was strong ?
> This is not something possible as far as I can see, but is there any
> security rationale behind this ?

It all depends on the policies of each individual that signed your
original, weak key.

I personally do not sign keys based on transition statements. Some
people will. Anyway, we as keyring maintainers cannot know how far did
you go to check the identities.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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