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Weird wrong email (Was: Re: Announcing a Debian Hamradio Blend)

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 01:39:29PM +0100, Iain R. Learmonth wrote:
> [Forwarding to d-d-a on behalf of Iain since he can not sign as DD]

This seems to be the wrong sort of email to forward to d-d-a.

(Note: I'm not subscribed to -devel, so CC me on a reply).

> Ian R Leamonth,
> In Debian GNU/linux they NEVER discussed to port other packages, infact in
> different situations i discuss this on debian-hamradio and on #fsf where
> they said that there was not any necessity to port the packages, and that
> is left to the user the freedom, to take the packages in source code, from
> third parties, to build it, and to use it.
> I said: "if a user don't find a package in the mirrors, he think that does
> not exist", but they prefeer to ignore what i said, belittling what i said
> to them.
> A day i decided to power on my Kenwood TM-255E, i was on 145.750 -600Khz,
> and while i was taking my shower, i listened a radioamateur, which discuss
> with another one, about the fact that on GNU/linux are not available
> enough packages for hamradio.
> I finished to take my shower, and again wet, i asked to break the
> communication, i said my callsign: iw0fzw, my name: paolo and my locator:
> jn61fu, and spoke, about the fact that there are 330 packages to port, and
> not again ported on the mirrors, now, Debian Community, all of a sudden
> wake up, and decides to port the packages.
> So is very easy, and don't mention who said them to do this.
> Awaiting for your reply,
> 73 paolo iw0fzw
> p.s: is very easy to ignore, what say the other people, so that they can
> take all the credits.
> to show that they are saying the false, here i upload as attachment the
> file hamradio
> i asked too support to my friend Danilo to package all the sowfatware
> availbale only as source code on third parties.
> I should now take me for a ride by those of Debian?
> how you would feel to be taken for a ride by some people?

Julian Andres Klode  - Debian Developer, Ubuntu Member

See http://wiki.debian.org/JulianAndresKlode and http://jak-linux.org/.

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    - If you don't I might ignore you.

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