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Re: Check whether fsck would run

also sprach Scott Schaefer <saschaefer@neurodiverse.org> [2014-12-13 16:27 +0100]:
> ... but then lists the fs-specific fscks that it would run ..
> [/sbin/fsck.xfs (1) -- /] fsck.xfs /dev/md0
> [/sbin/fsck.ext3 (1) -- /boot] fsck.ext3 /dev/sda1

Yeah, for all filesystems. It leaves it up to fsck.xfs and fsck.ext3
to decide whether to run the routine check.

And fsck does provide -n, which does help, but it's very brittle:

# fsck -A -t ext2,ext3,ext4,xfs -n 2>/dev/null | grep ': clean,'
root: clean, 10064/121920 files, 114660/487424 blocks
srv: clean, 3062617/9158656 files, 24554289/36620288 blocks
tmp: clean, 16/60928 files, 8235/243712 blocks
usr: clean, 27191/244320 files, 173721/975872 blocks
usr_local: clean, 41/121920 files, 16597/487424 blocks
var: clean, 3485/977280 files, 362495/3905536 blocks

# tune2fs -C 32 /dev/charade/srv
tune2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
Setting current mount count to 32

# fsck -A -t ext2,ext3,ext4,xfs -n 2>/dev/null | grep ': clean,'
root: clean, 10064/121920 files, 114660/487424 blocks
tmp: clean, 16/60928 files, 8235/243712 blocks
usr: clean, 27191/244320 files, 173721/975872 blocks
usr_local: clean, 41/121920 files, 16597/487424 blocks
var: clean, 3485/977280 files, 362495/3905536 blocks

There are two problems here:

  1. the last fsck ran a read-only fsck on charade/srv, which took
     almost 10 minutes. I can't figure out a way to ask fsck whether
     it would run the check, but not actually have it run it.

  2. if a filesystem error is detected fsck stops and does not
     process the remaining filesystems. I suppose that's not the
     worst of it all since at that point you know there must be
     a filesystem check, but it would still be useful to know if the
     fsck would be required only for a 2G /usr/local volume, or for
     a 4Tb /srv filesystem.


 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"i doubt larry wall ever uses strict."
                                                   -- frederick heckel

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