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Who has rights to override/ignore systemd inhibitors?

Hello. I have realized, that my user (groups: tty,disk,mail,news,dialout,voice,sudo,audio,www-data,video,plugdev,users,mlocate,kvm,vboxusers,libvirt) can ignore inhibitors (such as root being logged in) using "systemctl suspend/poweroff/etc -i" without password prompt (with standard polkit configuration and without NOPASSWD in sudoers). I have asked in systemd-devel, why does it happen, and Lennart has answered, that authentication is handled by Polkit policy in file /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.login1.policy

That's what I have in this file:

<action id="org.freedesktop.login1.power-off-ignore-inhibit">
<description>Power off the system while an application asked to inhibit it</description> <message>Authentication is required for powering off the system while an application asked to inhibit it.</message>
<annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.imply">org.freedesktop.login1.power-off</annotate>

It seems like authentication IS required to poweroff/suspend/etc system, disregarding inhibitors. However, on my system, without any special polkit configuration standard user (which is in the groups mentioned above) can ignore inhibitors by running systemctl poweroff -i without being asked for authentication. Could you please help me to understand, why doest it happen and how can I change this behaviour? Thank you.

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