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Re: Need help in downgrading evolution

On 27/08/15 09:22, Svante Signell wrote:
> Any ideas how to proceed until bug #795287 is closed?

Hi Svante,

Since you can't install the pre-regression binary (since it links
against the pre-gcc5-transition libs), maybe you'll have more luck
grabbing the old source code and building (older) evolution against the
libraries currently in sid (although I don't know what we would call it,
maybe Forwardporting?)

Take a look at https://wiki.debian.org/SimpleBackportCreation and
https://wiki.debian.org/BuildingFormalBackports for the whole process,
but basically it comes down to:

sudo apt-get install devscripts equivs

dget -x http://debianmirror/evolution_oldversion.dsc
cd evolution_oldversion
sudo mk-build-deps --install --remove
debuild -uc -us
sudo dpkg -i ../binaryOne.deb ../binaryTwo.deb ../binaryThree.deb

(If you simply want to install *all* binaries, you can call "sudo debi"
instead of "dpkg -i one.deb two.deb three.deb")

- Danny

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