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Re: gitlab package (was Re: Opt out style recommends)

On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 03:18:58PM +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
> 1.Most people in the world including myself thought encryption was an
> optional thing two years back. 
> 2.automating ssl was not possible before letsencrypt. Now you just need to
> click/press yes button to get an encrypted service running.

The "normal" way this was done before letsencrypt was with the 'snake oil'
local SSL CA/cert and self-signing. Obviously not suitable for production use,
but perfectly fine for an initial install/testing; it is also simpler than
worrying about talking to LE (especially in a postinst/root/possibly unattended
context) and a more appropriate initial state for a private/corporate install.

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