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Re: Bug#761348: ftp.debian.org: need machine-readable metadata about suites & repositories

On Fri, 2017-04-21 at 09:28 +0200, Michael Stapelberg wrote:

> pabs, what’s the current status on this?

Mostly at the 'collecting information' stage; about what hard-coding
exists and what requirements there might be etc.

> AFAICT, you mentioned you wanted to come up with a spec on the
> RepositoryFormat wiki page. I don’t see that on the RepositoryFormat
> wiki page yet.

I wrote a couple of sketches of possible ideas here:


FYI the repository format page has moved here:


> Is there any way to help?

Help on this is very much welcome as I don't have much time for it.
Go through as many Debian services as possible, look for hard-coding of
suites, codenames, architectures, compression formats etc and add it to
the SuitesAndReposExtension wiki page and send patches to reduce
hard-coding by getting architecture info from the archive or
suites information from the ftp-master API.


> I’m also interested in this issue due to hardcoding in manpages.d.o,
> which I’ve now described on
> https://wiki.debian.org/SuitesAndReposExtension#manpages.debian.org

Thanks for that.



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