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Re: When do we update the homepage to a modern design? (was Re: Moving away from (unsupportable) FusionForge on Alioth)

But responsive design does not only matters for mobile, it also matters on bigger screen, like high resolution or hi dpi screen, which is what Debian lack of.  Like what I said the website is bizarre on a bigger screen. You can try reading the website with the window maximized on 1920x1080 screen. 

On Wed, 17 May 2017 at 22:02 Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk> wrote:

> It looks as though the Debian website (or at least its front page)
> already has responsive design and the necessary runes to make mobile
> browsers make use of it, although it could perhaps benefit from
> dropping more content (requiring extra clicks instead) at small sizes.

OK, good.

I don't have any clear idea show close the views of the Debian project
as whole are to the ones I expressed in my article, but I'm pretty
sure that my views as expressed there are at least those of a
significant and vocal minority :-).  They might even be the majority
view, but we sowouldn't be able to tell without a GR - and let's not.


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