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Re: Switch to DEP-14-ish with an existing "debian" branch

On Mon, 4 Feb 2019 15:07:22 +0200,
Peter Pentchev<roam@ringlet.net> wrote:

>So these days I decided that DEP-14[1] actually seems to be a Good
>Thing(tm) and I started thinking about switching my packages' Git
>repositories to this layout.  However, I immediately hit a snag:
>in some of my repositories the upstream branch is named "master" and
>the Debian packaging branch is named "debian".  Due to a (somewhat
>understandable, even though a leaky abstraction) limitation of Git,
>I cannot create a "debian/master" branch if there already is a "debian"
>branch in the repository.
>Have others come across this when migrating Debian packaging repos to
>a DEP-14 layout?  How do you deal with this?
>I'm thinking of prefixing the new branches with, say, "pkg/", so that
>there would be a DEP-14-ish layout with the upstream branch being
>named "master", the main Debian branch being "pkg/debian/master",
>backports in "pkg/debian/buster", "pkg/debian/stretch", etc, and
>similarly Ubuntu packaging in "pkg/ubuntu/master", "pkg/ubuntu/bionic",
>etc.  Does this sound reasonable, or have other people already done
>something similar and adopted a prefix other than "pkg/"?
>Thanks to the people who came up with the idea of a harmonized layout
>of Debian packaging repositories and then did the work of writing up
>the DEP itself!  And, yeah, well, does what I'm trying to do feel like
>de-harmonizing the layout by introducing Yet Another Branch Naming
>Scheme? :)  If so, sorry! :)
>[1] https://dep-team.pages.debian.net/deps/dep14/


git branch -m debian debian/master

which will rename the branch locally - then you should be able to
remove the remote branch, and then simply push the branch with the
new name to the remote.

Remember that you'll need proper permissions on salsa to remove
branches. (See Settings/Repository) - and you should also change Default
Branch there.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

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