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Re: Bypassing the 2/3/4GB virtual memory space on 32-bit ports

On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 7:58 PM Karsten Merker <merker@debian.org> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 01:49:57AM +0800, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> > The last time that we spoke, Theo, some time around 2003 you informed me
> > that you were doing so very deliberately "to show everyone how stupid I
> > was".  It was on the linux kernel lists.  It was also very shockingly
> > unkind. I can see some signs that you are tryint to be deliberately
> > confrontational and I do not like it.
> >
> > As the Debian lists are covered by the Debian Conduct document, please read
> > it and review the talk that was given in Taipei (it had a panel of 5 people
> > including Steve McIntyre, if someone remembers it please do kindly post a
> > link).

[i found it: https://wiki.debian.org/AntiHarassment ]

> Luke, please reconsider what you wrote above.

ted has a history of being abusive, and hiding it extremely well.  the
term is called "intellectual bullying".  it's where someone treats
someone in a way that, to the majority of people, looks really,
*really* reasonable, but on close inspection you find signs that
they're not actually trying to work *with* people in the group,
towards a solution, they're using the conversation as a way to make
themselves superior to another human being.

this is a form of "harrassment" - an intellectual kind.

> The only person in
> this thread whom I perceive as being confrontational is you,
> while Ted has in my view been perfectly civil and completely
> non-confrontational in what he wrote here.

ah, karsten: yes, i recall your violent hatred from very recent
conversations on other lists.  i did make an effort to present you
with an opportunity to use the resources from the conflict resolution
network, www.crnhq.org, but i did not receive a response.

your response may seem reasonable to you, however you just
demonstrated - as you did on the other list - that you are willing to
"blame" another person and are willing to *support* others who have
engaged in intellectual bullying in the past (Ted Tso), and are
actively supportive of his efforts to try that here.

just as you were actively supportive of the ongoing recent and
persistent intellectual bullying on the other list.

i'm therefore contacting the anti-harrassment team, above, to report
both you (Karsten), and also Ted Tso.  i appreciate that it's normally
just for events, however they are the people most likely to be in a
position to speak with you, privately, and also to advise on the best
course of action.

if you had responded on the other list, in a way that demonstrated a
willingness to resolve matters and work together, for the benefit of
everyone on that list, i would not be reporting you here.

if you had responded on *this* list with words to the effect, "did you
know, luke, that your words could be viewed as being confrontational?
to me, it genuinely looks like Ted is being perfectly civil.  could
you clarify, as it looks like i have made a mistake in interpreting
what you have written?  what did i miss?" i would not be reporting you

can you see the difference between that paragraph, above, and what you
wrote?  do you notice that the rewritten words do not assume "bad


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