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Re: Git Packaging Round 2: SHOULD Not or MUSt NOT Github

Thomas Goirand <zigo@debian.org> wrote:
> As long as you push to Github *for yourself* (ie: not in order to
> share the repository with other people form the Debian community),
> that's fine. But forcing it to others is not acceptable.
> Thomas Goirand (zigo)
Thomas - what you want to achive?

Right now i'm affraid of you and others who share your opinion: There
will something happend as result:
* i will consider that my view on debian was just false
* i will move all my packaging to github or gitlab - the service don't
  matter, but it will make sure that i can have my workflow after the
* it will not hurt debian directly, because i will mirror the repo's to
* there will be nice improvements in sense of my workflow coming with
  it: i will only accept github PRs - nothing else. I will only use
  github issues - because after such a descision i will suspspect the
  debian bts as not trustworthy

at all - i will have my packaging in a safe haven - and don't have to
care how nuts the outcome of a GR will be. Hey - if you really want it
that way, you layed out the first few meters of the new debian road.

Before i forget - if your plans happend, i will be verbose about - with
every contributor who will left debian alone after me. Promised.

Before there are false assumtions that i'm searching any consensus in
this unbelivable bullshit - no - i don't. I'll  only stepping aside
and see debian and debians ideas die. An cry silently. Thats all.


Alf Gaida
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